How to Cook Tapioca Pearls Boba??

How to Cook QQ Texture Tapioca Pearls?
How to Cook Tapioca Pearls Boba?
Empire Eagle tapioca pearls wholesale all know Tapioca pearl boba is the KEY to a cup of bubble tea. Everyone just wants a cup of appetizing bubble tea with QQ texture tapioca pearls boba! Whenever you want to drink a cup of bubble tea, you have to go to the bubble tea shop, stand in long queues, and under the sun patiently. After waiting for a long time, you get a cup of bubble tea, but the tragedy happened! The bubble is not soft and chewy; the worst is the core of boba is powdering taste! Does it make you feel disappointed and unsatisfied? Let’s do with us, Boba Empire, to teach you how to cook QQ texture tapioca pearls!
300g Boba Empire Tapioca Pearl Boba
50g Sugar
3000cc Water
1. Put tapioca pearl boba into the 3000cc boiling water and stir for a while to avoid sticky.
2. When tapioca pearls float, turn the heat to low and make sure water is still boiling. Then cover the pot for 23 min.
3. After cooking 23 min, turn off the heat without opening the lid, and stand it for 30min.
4. When 30 min is up. Rinse tapioca in cool drinking water then put it in a container.
5. Put sugar and mix with tapioca pearl boba well.
6. Now you can enjoy the QQ tapioca pearl boba.
- Tips: When cooking tapioca pearl boba, remember to open the lid and stir it every 5 minutes to avoid tapioca pearl boba stick in the bottom of the pot!